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The Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival is a huge annual event that takes place in Cedar Rapids each summer since 1983, so celebrate 40 years this year!
The event started out by just being focussed on a 4th July fireworks display for the locals to celebrate Independence Day, but has now expanded into a whole series of events lasting over a couple of weeks in late June and into early July, drawing large crowds of visitors to the town for one big party.
The highlight of the Freedom Festival is obviously the big fireworks display on July 4th, officially known as the Celebration of Freedom fireworks, but there is also now huge interest in the events leading up to the big day, with live musical performances, family events, sports events, gala dinners, concerts, movie nights and the Freedom Festival Parade and Freedom Festival Concert all now a big part of the celebrations.
The festival will start 14th June to 4th July.
There is a whole series of events in the days and weeks leading up to July 4th, far too many for us to reproduce here, so see the full Freedom Festival calendar here:
Highlights to watch out for include: Balloon Glow on 17th June, The Parade on 24th June, Music at the Museum on 1st July and of course Pancake Breakfast, Car Show, Concert and Fireworks on the 4th July.
Live coverage of the Freedom Festival looks to be fairly hard to come by, although there is a live stream provided by local TV community news channel KCRG which looks to be the best bet for festival coverage, especially when it comes to the fireworks on the 4th July, it may be the same for this year, so give it a go:
Also, check out the facbook page for any last minute changes, as there was talk of bad weather - Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival Facebook
There are also a few webcams in the Cedar Rapids area you might like to check out for some live views:
If you are planning on visiting Cedar Rapids during the Freedom Festival then you will find plenty of comfortable and friendly accommodation options. It is wise to book in advance though, as the whole town will be packed for the duration of the party!
You can search for hotels, check availability and make reservations for local hotels here.
Page content by Martin Kerrigan. If you have found the content on this page useful then please feel free to share it with your friends and family, or if you have any information or updates that might be useful for us to add to the page then please contact us
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