
4th July 2024

Fireworks, Concerts and Parades. Live stream and TV broadcast coverage.

The 4th of July is a date that is instantly recognisable worldwide as being US Independence day, and in the United States they certainly knowhow to throw a party to mark the occasion, which is why I've decided this qualifies for a section all of it's own.

I'm a big fan of a good fireworks display, and on the 4th July in America the skies will be lit up like nowhere else (apart form maybe the US on New Year's Eve). The biggest and best known is probably the Macy's display in New York, but most large cities in the countries hold big public displays, the largest and most popular of which we'll feature here.

Event Listings

Macy's 4th July fireworks New York

Mount Rushmore fireworks

Houston Freedom over Texas

Florida Keys

Washington DC fireworks

National Independence Day parade

Capitol Fourth Concert, DC

Philly 4th of July Jam

Philadelphia 4th July Fireworks

Boston Pops Concert

Boston 4th July Fireworks

Chicago Navy Pier fireworks

San Francisco Bay fireworks

Seattle Lake Union fireworks

San Diego Big Bay Boom

Las Vegas

Nashville Concert & fireworks

Fair Saint Louis

New Orleans Go Fourth on The River

Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival

Fair Park Fourth, Dallas

Marina del Rey fireworks


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