
Las Vegas 4th July 2023

Fireworks live stream on The Strip. Events schedule and times.

Las Vegas skyline lights

Las Vegas on the 4th of July is remarkably similar to Las Vegas on any other day of the year, although with the level perhaps cranked up a notch or 10. Things like fireworks and parties might be a rarity in other parts of the country but in Vegas it's just what happens, so you can be sure, if this is where you decide to spend your Independence Day holiday, then there will be plenty to keep you occupied.

To sound a couple of notes of caution; be aware that this is Las Vegas and it is very much in the middle of the desert, so you can expect July temperatures to be scorchingly hot, so prepare yourself accordingly. Also, it will be busy, very busy so I wouldn't recommend the fourth of July here unless you are comfortable in a crowd.

4th July Fireworks

In terms of 4th July fireworks then Vegas does things similar to their new year party in that there isn't one central launch point but rather a number of casinos and hotels hosting their own displays that all add up to make one spectacular whole. With the weather being so hot then many venues will also hold a pool party as part of the celebrations, so don't forget your bikinis and trunks.

The Strip is obviously the focus of the entertainment and this is where most people will head for in the evening, and it will be very busy down there.
The main locations for fireworks displays are Caesars Palace, Plaza Hotel Casino, the Stratosphere Hotel Casino and Tower, Green Valley Ranch Resort and Spas, Red Rock Casino Resort Spa, Texas Station and Fiesta Rancho, Mandalay Bay Beach and Lake Las Vegas.

The main displays are typically launched from 9pm.

There are also 4th July displays in nearby Boulder City and Henderson.

Social & Streaming

In terms of live coverage there may be some highlights provided by the local and national TV new channels and we'll provide any links for any dedicated coverage we find right here.

One of your best options for checking out what's going on, especially when it comes to the fireworks, is to check out some of the local live streaming webcam views.

Vegas is particularly well served in this area, with cameras positioned at key locations across the town:
Las Vegas webcams

Hotels and Accommodation

Las Vegas is always busy, especially on weekends and holidays, and the hotel prices very much reflect this, so expect to pay a premium to stay here on July 4, especially art the most popular venues on and around The Strip. You can check availability and make reservations for local hotels here.

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