
St Louis 4th July 2023

Fair St Louis Fireworks, Live Stream, TV, Lineup, Events

Forest Park, St Louis

Fair St Louis is an annual event that takes place around Independence Day weekend in the city's iconic Forest Park and has seen some amazing talent performing at what they dub "America's BIggest Birthday Party" including Elton John, Black Eyed Peas, The Beach Boys, Ray Charles and the wonderful Dolly Parton. So some big names!

The Fair normally includes a whole host of Fourth of July themed entertainment and includes live musical performances, a parade through the streets of downtown and culminates in the 4th July Independence Day fireworks display that can be viewed for miles around and draws huge crowds, with numbers attending the festival in previous years estimated as being upwards of a quarter of a million. 
The Independence Day fireworks are also usually broadcast live by local TV, attracting an even greater audience, see below for how to watch the fireworks live stream.

Fair St Louis Schedule

In the past, Fair St Louis occupies 3 full days of entertainment, with live music, shows and of course culmination in the fireworks show at 9.35pm on the evening of July 4th. This year's event will be one day, the most important, 4th July.

You can see the full event schedule once released: here.

TV & Live Streaming

The main live coverage from Fair Saint Louis is of the 4th July fireworks, which attracts huge crowds from all across the state. TV coverage of the fireworks are usually provided by local channel Fox 2 St Louis, which is also available as a live online stream so you can watch the webcast of the fireworks as they take place:

Fox 2 live stream


Hotels and Accommodation

If you are planning on visiting St Louis for the fair then you need to aware that the whole town gets very busy over the full weekend so you need to make sure you make your reservations well in advance.

You can check availability and make reservations for local hotels here.

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