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Ralph Lauren once said "I don't design clothes. I design dreams.",
well let's see what the Spring 22 collections bring us this
September as Fashion Week hits the fabulous streets of New York.
Even after visiting New York (and ticking it off our bucket list),
when it comes to the fashion scene, the first thing that still comes to
mind is my all time favourite show of the 00's, Sex and the City. It
conjures up images of divine fashion, Manolo's and copious amounts of
Cosmopolitans, and in normal times, when we're not all in various
degrees of lock downs and restrictions, what better way to spend a trip to New York that to couple
it with Fashion Week where you can indulge your inner "Carrie" to your
hearts content.
New York Fashion Week, is a girly girls
dream come true, it's usually packed with celebrities and attracts the Red Carpet Brigade like a moth to a flame,
so next time you get to actually go in person, keep your peepers open!
Full Schedule can be found on New York Fashion Week. Running from 7th - 12th September 2021.
Increasingly the big 4 fashion shows are being streamed live online, with the main highlights also being later updated on popular video sites. Watch live with the official site.
You will also find many videos, past and present on Youtube:
New York Fashion Week on Youtube
If you're in New York for the fashion week events and looking for somewhere to stay you can search for hotels, check availability and make reservations for local hotels here.
Page content by Yvonne Kerrigan. If you have found the content on this page useful then please feel free to share it with your friends and family, or if you have any information or updates that might be useful for us to add to the page then please contact us
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