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Attended by journalists, celebrities and politicians from across the globe and of course, the President and First Lady the annual White House Correspondents Dinners has grown into a real red carpet affair.
Initially the event was to be for journalists and correspondents and is officially an awards and scholarship banquet for White House Correspondence Association, in fact, up until 1962, it was a "men only" event, it was only because John F Kennedy refused to attend until the ban was lifted, that women were finally allowed to attend.
Today however is a different story, the event is now better known for it's "A" list attendees that flock to the red carpet. Tickets for the dinner are up to $300 per person and are much coveted within media circles as everyone strives to bring in the biggest names.
The White House Correspondents Dinner in 2023 is scheduled for 29th April and will be hosted by the fabulous Roy Wood Jnr.
There are always great performances at the dinners, with past events bringing the likes of Bob Hope, Gracie Fields, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Barbara Streisand, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Peter Sellers, Jay Leno, Jon Stewart and more recently Seth Meyers, Jimmy Kimmel, Conan O'Brien Larry Wilmore, Hasan Minhaj and Michelle Wolf.
The event is broadcast live on TV by public broadcaster C-Span, who also now provide a live streaming webcast feed to watch online:
White House Dinner live stream
They also have a YouTube Channel - C-Span
If you are in Washington for the event then there is a good chance your accommodation is taken care of, but if not then there is always plenty of places to choose from.
You can check availability and make reservations for local hotels here.
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