
Live Streaming Fitness Classes

Online workouts, Classes, Yoga, Pilates, Circuits

Fitness classes

Live Fitness classes are an excellent way of introducing some exercise into your daily or even weekly routine. Sometimes life can be too much and you just can't seem to find the time to get down to the gym or you feel that you don't get the full use of your membership that can sometimes be pricey depending on which gym you go to.

Planning your own fitness regime is a great way of making exercise work for you. You're no longer limited to the bog standard gym classes and you definitely don't need to worry about wearing all the latest gym gear or how you might look. I'm thinking of some of the dance style classes I've done in the past, graceful swan I am not and all the mirrors around the gym was a constant reminder that I look like I'm auditioning for the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz!

Kick starting your fitness at home can also give you the confidence you may need in transitioning from your sitting room to the gym. When you start learning routines, particular yoga poses or even the terms for weight lifting, you'll feel less like a beginner if or when you decide to visit and interact at the gym.

Event Details

Here we have a list of Live Classes that you may enjoy and start working out right away:

Live streaming fitness

Live exercise player

Wello Fitness

Yogaia Online Yoga

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Page content by Yvonne Kerrigan. If you have found the content on this page useful then please feel free to share it with your friends and family, or if you have any information or updates that might be useful for us to add to the page then please contact us

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