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New York St Patrick's Day Parade
Latest: The Final for the Champions League 2021 will take place in Ataturk Olympic Stadium in Istanbul on 29 May 2021. Chelsea came out as the winners for the Champions League, but of course, due to covid restrictions there was no parade.
Well if you thought I was being optimistic including the FA Cup victory parade on here (although little Wigan Athletic managing to upset the odds and win that in 2013 has provided hope for fans of less fashionable clubs everywhere!) then you must be wondering what on earth I'm thinking putting the Champions League version on here.
I think you have to term it a triumph of hope over expectation. Or experience for that matter. Let's be brutally frank, it's unlikely my team are ever going to even make it to the latter stages of this event, let alone actually win the thing, so I'm almost certainly destined to vicarious enjoyment in the celebrations of whoever is fortunate enough to triumph.
It does lose something of the entertainment factor when another English team is successful - the sheer bitterness and envy manages to completely override any second-hand fun that could be gleaned) but when it comes to watching some of the foreign giants - the likes of Barcelona and Real Madrid - then I'm all for it.
Parade details to follow
There's a veritable plethora of coverage from past winner's parades in video form on Youtube:
Champions League parades on Youtube
If you're in the town for the Champions League victory parade and looking for somewhere to stay, you can check out availability and make reservations for local hotels here.
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