
Cinco de Mayo 2023

Parades, Events, Parties, TV, Streaming

Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo is an annual celebration held on the each year to commemorate the victory of Mexican forces over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5th, 1862. Why this one battle is remembered while so many are forgotten isn't entirely clear, but one thing we do know is that it is now used a great excuse for a party in cities around the world, especially those with large Hispanic populations.

Celebrations in Mexico itself are actually far more minimalist than in some of the US cities that have embraced the tradition, and in particular there are parties and parades held annually in New York, Houston, Miami, St Paul, Los Angeles and Chicago. Worldwide there are events in locations as diverse as London, Vancouver, Brisbane, Paris, Tokyo and Jamaica.


As the name suggests, Cinco de Mayo is celebrated worldwide on the 5th May, which this year falls on a Friday.

Parades, Events

The main events for Cinco de Mayo 2023 include:
Puebla: Puebla usually holds a month long celebration and during mid april to early May there are festivities across the city, with parades, fireworks, great food, the works!

Houston:  Annual LULAC Cinco de Mayo Parade will take place on 6th May in downtown Houston. There is lots happening around town, so venture into the bars and restaurants to celebrate.

Denver: Cinco de Mayo Festival at Civic Center Park (although held on 6th & 7th of May) lots of great live music, dancing, art exhibitions and food trucks. From 10am - 8pm. there will also be a parade on the Saturday at 11am.

San Antonio: Cinco de Mayo Festival, there is normally festivities at Market Square with live bands and food booths.

New York: Bar crawls and special events in bars and restaurants around the city

Chicago: Cinco de Mayo Festival and Parade (scheduled for the 7th May) from Cermak to Damen to Marshall from 12 noon.

Los Angeles: Olvera Street Cinco de Mayo festival, with live music, entertainment, traditional food and drink. There is also the Fiesta Broadway normally held on the Sunday before where there are huge celebrations for this LA Street Party!

TV, Live Streaming

Given the relatively small scale nature of most of these events there isn't a great deal in the way of live streaming or TV coverage, although in previous years there has been a live stream of the Houston parade in particular, and the local news networks usually have some coverage.

We'll be keeping our eyes open and will post any links we find right here.

Hotels and Accommodation

In the major cities hosting Cinco de Mayo events this year you can check availability and make reservations for local hotels here.

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