
Koningsdag 2023

King's Day in Amsterdam live stream. Event schedule, music festivals and celebrations throughout the city.

Amsterdam on King's Day

King's Day across Holland, in recognition of reigning monarch King Willem-Alexander involves a series of special events across the country, most notable in Amsterdam, but with parades, parties and festivals taking place in cities, towns and villages throughout the Netherlands. It's a very big deal and one of the most celebrated events in the Netherlands, so if you happen to be here, make sure you wear something orange!!

Koningsdag and Koningsnacht for the benefit of the uninitiated is a major Dutch national holiday, the official day of celebration for the birthday of the reigning monarch. It has been taking place in various formats since as far back as 1885.


Koningsdag is as always on the 27th April, which in 2023 falls on Thursday.

Koningsdag Events

In Amsterdam the highlight of the King's Day celebrations is the huge, city-wide street party, which normally attracts crowds of up to 750,000, including visitors from all across the country.

There will be parties throughout the day all across the city, with some of the more popular areas to head for including the Westerstraat, Prinsengracht and Reguliersdwarsstraat.

The vrijmarkt (free market) will be taking place throughout the day, starting from 6.00am.

There are children's markets at Artisplein, Amstelveld, Bellamyplein, Dappermarkt, Frederiksplein, Leliegracht, Sarphatipark and Westerpark.

Elsewhere in Holland this year there are also big parties in The Hague, Eindhoven, Rotterdam and Utrecht.

King's Day Music Festivals

The day is also synonymous with a series of music festivals in and around the city, which this year include the Loveland van Oranje Festival at the Meerpark, Kingsland Festival at the RAI Amsterdam, Oranje Bloesem at the Olympic Stadium, Cartel Kingsday at Westerunie and the Kingsworld Den Haag in the Zuiderpark.

TV & Live Streaming

In previous years there has been live online coverage of the main Koningsdag events on NOS:

Koningsdag live stream

There is also a range of coverage available via Slam FM:

Koningsdag on Slam FM

For the rest of the day's events, there are a wide range of live and streaming webcams positioned at key points around the city, including on the Museumplein where one of the main concerts takes place:

Amsterdam webcams

Hotels and Accommodation

If you're in Amsterdam for the King's Day celebrations and looking for somewhere to stay, you can check out availability and make reservations for local hotels here.

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